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Matrix Requirements SDK

This document is an evolving guide to using the Matrix Requirements SDK (github page here). You can use the SDK in two ways:

  1. To integrate with the Matrix Requirements web application, a demo instance of which is here. This involves inheriting functionality from certain classes and registering interest in certain "plugin" functionality. We have a github project which you can clone and go to town writing plugins.
  2. To talk to a Matrix Requirement Instance from a different environment, such as Node. This is more about querying the database for interesting data, importing data, or making queries across multiple projects. This document will focus on this case, as we can more efficiently introduce important concepts in a "textual" environment.

How do I get it?

The SDK is available as an NPM package at For this guide, we'll create JavaScript in a Node project to illustrate our points. The steps below set up an environment and a simple code library to make connecting to a Matrix Instance easier.

From a shell prompt, run:

mstanton@darkstar:~/examples/users-guide (main)$ npm install matrix-requirements-sdk

added 1 package, and audited 54 packages in 1s

1 package is looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

To make it easy to connect to a Matrix Instance, we'll write some code once that gets your API Token and Instance URL from a JSON file. Create a file called credentials.json in the same directory like:

  "clouds5": {
    "token": "Token <INSERT YOUR TOKEN HERE>",
    "url": ""

Now create a file lib.js with the following code:

const fs = require("fs");
const sdk = require("matrix-requirements-sdk/server");

// Securely connect to a server with stored credentials
async function getServerConnection(key) {
    const credentialsFilename = "./credentials.json";
    const db = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(credentialsFilename, "utf-8"));
    return await sdk.createConsoleAPI(db[key]);

async function getServerAndProject(connection, projectName) {
    if (connection == undefined) {
        connection = "clouds5";
    if (projectName == undefined) {
        projectName = "WHEELY_OBSERVABLE";
    const server = await getServerConnection(connection);
    const wheely = await server.openProject(projectName);
    return [server, wheely];

module.exports = { sdk, getServerConnection, getServerAndProject };

lib.js wraps up getting the correct API Token for each Matrix Instance you'd like to connect to. Now let's use this library to list all the Projects available on a Matrix Instance.

const lib = require("./lib.js");

async function run() {
    const server = await lib.getServerConnection("clouds5");
    // List the projects available on this server:
    console.log((await server.getProjects()).join(", "));

run().then(() => process.exit(0));

Save this file as list-projects.js and run it at the command prompt. If you've set up your credentials file to point to the correct server and token you should receive output similar to the following:

mstanton@darkstar:~/examples/users-guide (main)$ node list-projects.js

From now on, we'll use getServerConnection() to make our connection to a Matrix Instance.

Project Information

We can provide some characterization of our projects. What categories of items do they store? We'll use the SDK to investigate this for two projects on the server, and show the results in an HTML table. Run the following code to produce the table:

const lib = require("./lib.js");

function getCharacterizations(projects) {
  function makeTable(proj) {
    const itemConfig = proj.getItemConfig();
    let res = '<table><thead><th scope="row">Item</th><th scope="row">Fields</th></thead><tbody>';
    let cats = itemConfig.getCategories();
    // Ignore DOCs and REPORTs for now.
    cats.splice(cats.indexOf("DOC"), 1);
    cats.splice(cats.indexOf("REPORT"), 1);
    for (let cat of cats) {
      // Get the fields of the category.
      let fields = [];
      for (let field of itemConfig.getItemConfiguration(cat).fieldList) {
      let renderedFields = fields.join(", ");
      res += `<tr><td>${cat}</td><td>${renderedFields}</td></tr>`;
    res += `</tbody></table>`;
    return res;
  let rows = "";
  for (let project in projects) {
    rows += `<tr><td>${projects[project].getName()}</td><td>${makeTable(projects[project])}</td></tr>\n`
  return `<table>${rows}</table>`;

async function run() {
    const server = await lib.getServerConnection("clouds5");
    let projects = {};
    projects.wheely = await server.openProject("WHEELY_OBSERVABLE");
    projects.insulin = await server.openProject("INSULINEPEN_SDK");

run().then(() => process.exit(0));

Here is the HTML output from running node ./characterize-projects.js. The tables show the Item Categories in each project, and also the Fields for each kind of item. In parenthesis, you see the type of the field. This is handy later when you want to examine or modify the fields.

FOLDERContents(richtext), Labels(labels)
SIGNfilter(filter_file), signature(signature), output(signatureControl), Labels(labels), Attachments(fileManager), signCache(signCache)
REQDescription(richtext), References(links), Tasks(tasksControl), Labels(labels), some crosslinks(crosslinks)
UCDescription(richtext), Tasks(tasksControl), Use Case Steps(test_steps), Labels(labels), A markdown field(ui-plugin-mdeditor)
RISKRisk(risk2), Cannot be reduced any further(checkbox), Benefits outweigh remaining risk(checkbox), Justification / Comments(richtext), Tasks(tasksControl), Labels(labels)
SPECDescription(richtext), References(links), Tasks(tasksControl), Labels(labels)
TCDescription(richtext), Tasks(tasksControl), Steps(test_steps), Labels(labels), Steplist Simple(steplist), checkers(checkbox), a user man(user), gate(gateControl), crosslinks(crosslinks)
XTCDescription(richtext), Version(textline), Tester(user), Test Date(date), Test Run Result(test_result), Tasks(tasksControl), Test Case Steps(test_steps_result), Labels(labels)
FOLDERContents(richtext), Labels(labels)
SIGNfilter(filter_file), signature(signature), output(signatureControl), Labels(labels), Attachments(fileManager), signCache(signCache)
REQUser Profile(dropdown), Description(richtext), My section(section), References(links), Labels(labels), xxxx(richtext)
UCDescription(richtext), Use Case Steps(test_steps), Labels(labels)
SPECDescription(richtext), References(links), Labels(labels)
TCDescription(richtext), Steps(test_steps), Labels(labels)
RISKRisk(risk2), Cannot be reduced any further(checkbox), Benefits outweigh remaining risk(checkbox), Justification / Comments(richtext), Tasks(tasksControl), Labels(labels)
XTCDescription(richtext), Version(textline), Tester(user), Test Date(date), Test Run Result(test_result), Test Case Steps(test_steps_result), Labels(labels)

Note that both projects have an Item of Category REQ, but the fields are a bit different. In this case, we see project INSULINEPEN_SDK has a "User Profile" dropdown field, which WHEELY_CLIENT_TESTS doesn't have. This is because each project may define it's own categories, and those categories may consist of whatever fields the project owner considers important.


Let's have a look at some actual Items. We can find some Item Ids using project method searchForIds():

const lib = require("./lib.js");

async function run() {
    const server = await lib.getServerConnection("clouds5");
    // List the projects available on this server:
    const project = await server.openProject("WHEELY_OBSERVABLE");
    const reqs = await project.searchForIds("mrql:Category=REQ");
    console.log(reqs.join(", "));

run().then(() => process.exit(0));

Running this at the command prompt returns a list of Item Ids returned by the query:

mstanton@darkstar:~/examples/users-guide (main)$ node get-item-ids.js
REQ-1, REQ-2, REQ-3, REQ-4, REQ-5, REQ-6, REQ-7, REQ-8, REQ-9, REQ-10, REQ-11, REQ-12,
REQ-13, REQ-14, REQ-15, REQ-16, REQ-17, REQ-18, REQ-19, REQ-20, REQ-21, REQ-22
mstanton@darkstar:~/examples/users-guide (main)$ 

The search query returned all of the items of type REQ in the WHEELY_OBSERVABLE project. Let's gather all information on the first one of the list:

const lib = require("./lib.js");

async function run() {
    const server = await lib.getServerConnection("clouds5");
    // List the projects available on this server:
    const project = await server.openProject("WHEELY_OBSERVABLE");
    const reqs = await project.searchForIds("mrql:Category=REQ");
    const wheelyFirstREQ = await project.getItem(reqs[0]); 
    console.log("ID: " + wheelyFirstREQ.getId());
    console.log("Title: " + wheelyFirstREQ.getTitle());
    const descriptionHandler = wheelyFirstREQ.getSingleFieldByName("Description").getHandler();
    const desc = descriptionHandler.getHtml();
    console.log(`Description: ${desc}`);

run().then(() => process.exit(0));

We know from the table above for WHEELY_OBSERVABLE that a REQ Item should have five fields, one of which is Description. We also know that Description is a Richtext field. The SDK provides an appropriate object to manipulate each type of field. There are about ~20 built-in field types, and it's possible to write plug-ins that offer additional field types. The field types are managed by objects called Handlers. Every Handler has a getData() method which returns a string representation of the data stored in the database. But some handlers offer additional methods to make it easier to manipulate thier unique data type. The Handler for Richtext fields offers two extra methods, which are there simply to indicate the type of data the Handler deals with: html. The methods are getHtml() which returns an HTML string, and setHtml() which sets the data as an HTML string.

Running the code above produces:

mstanton@darkstar:~/examples/users-guide (main)$ node get-one-item.js
Title: Design / Looks
Description: <div>The wheelchair should not look like a medical device but like something which looks
nice to kids from 6 to 10 years.</div>
mstanton@darkstar:~/examples/users-guide (main)$ 

Below is an overview of the services provided by the Item class. Note that we ship a TypeScript binding in the SDK, so descriptive types are available if you like (you can also see the full reference docs for Item here):

class Item {
    // Basic information
    getId(): string;
    isFolder(): boolean;
    getType(): string;
    getCategory(): Category;
    getMaxVersion(): number | undefined;
    getHistory(): IItemHistory[];

    // getters/setters for changeable information
    getCreationDate(): string | undefined;
    setCreationDate(creationDate: string): Item;
    getTitle(): string;
    setTitle(title: string): Item;

    // uplinks and downlinks
    getDownlinks(): IReference[];
    hasDownlink(id: string): boolean;
    setDownlinks(downLinks: IReference[]): Item;
    addDownlink(id: string, title?: string): Item;
    removeDownlink(id: string): Item;
    getUplinks(): IReference[];
    hasUplink(id: string): boolean;
    setUplinks(upLinks: IReference[]): Item;
    addUplink(id: string, title?: string): Item;
    removeUplink(id: string): Item;

    // Conversion to lower-level structure for interaction with REST APIs
    extractData(): IItemPut;

    // Label support
    getLabels(): string[];
    setLabels(newLabels: string[]): Item;
    setLabel(labelToSet: string): Item;
    unsetLabel(labelToUnset: string): Item;

    // Clean/dirty information
    needsSave(): boolean;

    // Information on Category Fields
    hasFieldId(fieldId: number): boolean;
    getFieldById(fieldId: number): Field;
    getFieldByName(fieldName: string): Field[];
    getSingleFieldByName(fieldName: string): Field;
    getFieldsByType(fieldType: string): Field[];

    // Support for partial items (not all Fields from the Category are available)
    hasAllFields(): boolean;
    getFieldMask(): ItemFieldMask;
    expandFieldMaskWithEmptyField(fieldId: number): Field;

    // Support for notifications ("todos")
    createTodo(users: string[], type: TodoTypes, text: string, atDate: Date): Promise<string>;
    getTodos(includeDone?: boolean, includeAllUsers?: boolean, includeFuture?: boolean): Promise<GetTodosAck>;

    // Conversion to a helper class for DOC Items.
    toDocItem(): Promise<DocItem>;
We'll continue looking into Items later on in the guide.

Folder structure

A Matrix Project has a tree structure, with Items organized into Folders. A Folder is also a type of Item. TreeFolders are objects that emphasize the tree/folder structure. They are also cached, so you can query through them efficiently. Use TreeFolder for tasks involving moving Items around. We can examine the tree like so:

The data output by this function was run through D3 on with the following settings.
Variable treeData below contained the array of strings output by this program.
  axis: null,
  height: 1400,
  margin: 20,
  marginRight: 120,
  marks: [
    Plot.tree(treeData, {textStroke: "white"})
const lib = require("./lib.js");

function convertToTreePaths(treeFolder) {
    let obj = [];
    const itemChildren = treeFolder.getItemChildren();
    const folderChildren = treeFolder.getFolderChildren();
    if (itemChildren.length == 0 && folderChildren.length == 0) {
        return obj;

    for (let item of itemChildren) {
        obj.push(treeFolder.getPath() + "/" + item.title);

    for (let folder of folderChildren) {
        let childData = convertToTreePaths(folder);
        obj = obj.concat(childData);
    return obj;

async function run() {
    const server = await lib.getServerConnection("clouds5");
    // List the projects available on this server:
    const project = await server.openProject("WHEELY_OBSERVABLE");
    const wheelyTree = await project.getProjectTree();
    const mytree = convertToTreePaths(wheelyTree);

run().then(() => process.exit(0));

Running this program produces a list of full paths, which can be displayed in a fancy graph (I did this offline with the D3 graphics library).

mstanton@darkstar:~/examples/users-guide (main)$ node get-project-tree.js
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Design/Design Items',
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Risks/Risk Analysis Report',
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Testing/Test Design',
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Testing/Test Execution Status Planning',
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Testing/Test Forms',
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Traceability/Traceability Issue Report',
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Traceability/Traceability Report',
  '/Reports/Project Analysis and Management/Traceability/Outdated Traces',

The most important methods on TreeFolder are (again, you can visit the full docs for TreeFolder here):

TreeFolder method Comments
isRoot() is this the root folder for the Category?
getPath() Creates a path string including all ancestor folder titles, separated by "/"
findFolder(folderId) Returns a TreeFolder under the current folder, if it is a descendent
findDirectFolderByTitle(folderTitle) Finds a child folder with the given title if present
moveItemsToThisFolder(itemIds) given an array of Item Ids, moves them to the present folder
deleteChildItemOrFolder(itemId, force)
getItem() get the Item that matches this TreeFolder object
getFolderChildren() returns an array of TreeFolder objects. If not yet loaded, visits the server
getItemChildren() returns an array of title/id pairs for the Items in this folder
getAllChildren() returns title/id pairs for all Items, including Folders in this folder

Continue with Part II of this guide to dive into advanced searching. Thanks for your time!