Interface IPlugin

interface IPlugin {
    addFieldSettings?: ((configApp, project, pageId, fieldType, fieldParams, ui, paramChanged, canBePublished?) => void);
    categorySetting?: ((key) => string);
    createControl?: ((ctrlObj, settings) => void);
    editCategorySetting?: ((key, category) => void);
    filterProject?: ((db) => void);
    getCustomerSettingPagesAsync?: (() => Promise<ISettingPage[]>);
    getFieldConfigOptions?: (() => IFieldDescription[]);
    getPluginName?: (() => string);
    getPluginVersion?: (() => string);
    getProjectPagesAsync?: (() => Promise<IProjectPageParam[]>);
    getProjectSettingPagesAsync?: (() => Promise<ISettingPage[]>);
    helpUrl?: string;
    initItem?: ((item, jui) => void);
    initPrintingAsync?: (() => Promise<void>);
    initProject?: ((project) => void);
    initServerSettings?: ((serverSettings) => void);
    isDefault?: boolean;
    preSaveHookAsync?: ((isItem, type, controls) => Promise<{}>);
    renderActionButtons?: ((options, body, controls) => boolean);
    supportsControl?: ((fieldType) => boolean);
    updateItem?: ((item) => void);
    updateItemPanel?: (() => void);
    updateMenu?: ((ul, hook) => void);
    updateSearchPanel?: (() => void);
    updateTree?: (() => void);
    getConfigUserMenuItems?(): IPluginMenuAction[];
    getCustomSearches?(): IPluginSearch[];
    getProjectMenuItems?(): IPluginMenuAction[];
    getQMSUserMenuItems?(): IPluginMenuAction[];
    getTinyMenuItems?(editor): ITinyMenu[];
    getUserMenuItems?(): IPluginMenuAction[];

Implemented by


addFieldSettings?: ((configApp, project, pageId, fieldType, fieldParams, ui, paramChanged, canBePublished?) => void)

Type declaration

    • (configApp, project, pageId, fieldType, fieldParams, ui, paramChanged, canBePublished?): void
    • Parameters

      • configApp: any
      • project: string
      • pageId: string
      • fieldType: string
      • fieldParams: IFieldParameter
      • ui: JQuery
      • paramChanged: (() => void)
          • (): void
          • Returns void

      • Optional canBePublished: boolean

      Returns void

categorySetting?: ((key) => string)

Type declaration

    • (key): string
    • Parameters

      • key: string

      Returns string

createControl?: ((ctrlObj, settings) => void)

Type declaration

editCategorySetting?: ((key, category) => void)

Type declaration

    • (key, category): void
    • Parameters

      • key: string
      • category: string

      Returns void

filterProject?: ((db) => void)

Type declaration

    • (db): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

getCustomerSettingPagesAsync?: (() => Promise<ISettingPage[]>)

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<ISettingPage[]>
    • Returns Promise<ISettingPage[]>

getFieldConfigOptions?: (() => IFieldDescription[])

Type declaration

    • (): IFieldDescription[]
    • Returns IFieldDescription[]

getPluginName?: (() => string)

Type declaration

    • (): string
    • Returns string

getPluginVersion?: (() => string)

Type declaration

    • (): string
    • Returns string

getProjectPagesAsync?: (() => Promise<IProjectPageParam[]>)

Type declaration

getProjectSettingPagesAsync?: (() => Promise<ISettingPage[]>)

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<ISettingPage[]>
    • Returns Promise<ISettingPage[]>

helpUrl?: string
initItem?: ((item, jui) => void)

Type declaration

    • (item, jui): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

initPrintingAsync?: (() => Promise<void>)

Type declaration

    • (): Promise<void>
    • Returns Promise<void>

initProject?: ((project) => void)

Type declaration

    • (project): void
    • Parameters

      • project: string

      Returns void

initServerSettings?: ((serverSettings) => void)

Type declaration

    • (serverSettings): void
    • Parameters

      • serverSettings: XRListProjectAndSettings

      Returns void

isDefault?: boolean
preSaveHookAsync?: ((isItem, type, controls) => Promise<{}>)

Type declaration

    • (isItem, type, controls): Promise<{}>
    • Parameters

      • isItem: boolean
      • type: string
      • controls: IControlDefinition[]

      Returns Promise<{}>

renderActionButtons?: ((options, body, controls) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (options, body, controls): boolean
    • Parameters

      • options: IItemControlOptions
      • body: JQuery
      • controls: IControlDefinition[]

      Returns boolean

supportsControl?: ((fieldType) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (fieldType): boolean
    • Returns true if the plugin offers a control that can display fields of type {fieldType}.


      • fieldType: string

      Returns boolean

updateItem?: ((item) => void)

Type declaration

    • (item): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

updateItemPanel?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

updateMenu?: ((ul, hook) => void)

Type declaration

    • (ul, hook): void
    • Parameters

      • ul: JQuery
      • hook: number

      Returns void

updateSearchPanel?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void

updateTree?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Returns void


  • Returns a list of menu items to be added to the user profile menu of the config page.

    Returns IPluginMenuAction[]

  • Returns a list of custom searches to be added to the search drowpdown.

    Returns IPluginSearch[]

  • Returns a list of menu items to be added to the project list.

    Returns IPluginMenuAction[]

  • Returns a list of menu items to be added to the QMS user profile menu in the liveqms.

    Returns IPluginMenuAction[]

  • Returns a list of TinyMCE menu items to be added to the editor.


    • editor: any

    Returns ITinyMenu[]

  • Returns a list of menu items to be added to the user profile menu in the main app.

    Returns IPluginMenuAction[]

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