Description of the current plugin. Each feature can be activated/deactivated using the configuration object

interface IPluginConfig {
    customerSettingsPage: IPluginFeature<SERVERSETTINGS>;
    dashboard: IPluginFeatureDashboard;
    field: IPluginFeatureField;
    menuToolItem: IPluginFeatureBase;
    projectSettingsPage: IPluginFeature<PROJECTSETTINGS>;

Type Parameters


  • IPluginConfigForDashboard
    • IPluginConfig


customerSettingsPage: IPluginFeature<SERVERSETTINGS>

Customer setting page parameter. This will add a page in the server config in the adminConfig

Menu tool item. This will add a new dashboard in the main app.

Field. This will add a new field type that can be used for data rendering in the main app

menuToolItem: IPluginFeatureBase

Menu tool item. This will add a new menu item in the tools menu in the main app.

projectSettingsPage: IPluginFeature<PROJECTSETTINGS>

project setting page parameter. This will add a page per project in the adminConfig

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