Class ControlCoreBase<T, AAA>Abstract

Type Parameters



  • IPrintFunction



_root: JQuery
disableDelayedShow: boolean
editor: JQuery
fieldHandler: T
needsLatest: boolean
originalValue: IPluginFieldValueBase
settings: IControlOptions
defaultOptions: IControlOptions = ...


  • Parameters

    Returns JQuery

  • Returns T

  • this method is called by the UI to retrieve the string to be saved in the database

    Returns Promise<string>

  • this method is called by the UI to figure out if the control's value changed

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Parameters

    • overwrites: IGlobalPrintFunctionParams
    • paramsIn: IPrintFunctionParams
    • itemOrFolderRef: string
    • itemOrFolder: JQuery
    • mf: JQuery
    • globals: IPrintGlobals
    • possibleTargets: string[]
    • onError: ((message) => void)
        • (message): void
        • Parameters

          • message: string

          Returns void

    Returns Promise<string>

  • this method renders a user input field in an item.


    Returns JQuery

    Read Only

    is set to true if the user cannot edit the data (e.g. in history or while printing)


    are can be parameter added by the printing configuration, to configure how something should be printed

  • Parameters

    • fieldHandler: T

    Returns void

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